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Founded in 1979, Vampire Wire has a well-deserved reputation for products that offer exceptional value for the level of performance performance that they achieve.  Joining over 250 manufacturers who use Vampire Wire connectors and internal wiring for their components, Cable Solutions is proud to offer these fine products.

Vampire Wire Products


Vampire Wire HDMI / DVI Conversion Cable

Vampire Wire HDMI / DVI Conversion Cables

Available in specialty shorter lengths, these #HDMI Series cables are ideal for a wide range of HDMI hook-ups!

Vampire Wire #TOS2 Optical Digital Interconnect Cable

Vampire Wire #TOS/II Optical Interconnect Cable

These #TOS2 fiber optic cables feature precision ground optics and metal-bodied, gold-plated connectors.  Perfect for all kinds of TOSLink hook-ups!

12 AWG OFHC Speaker Cables

02X Series OFHC Speaker Cables with Vampire Wire Terminations

With two 12 AWG OFHC Copper conductors, these O2X cables offer excellent performance for conventional wiring configurations.

Vampire Wire #DB Double-Ganged Banana Plugs

Vampire Wire #DB Double Banana Plugs

Handy ganged design fits standard 3/4" binding post spacing.  All metal parts are gold-plated.  Also provide superior mechanical support when used with vertically-aligned biding posts.


Vampire Wire #90A Gold-plated Right-Angle RCA Adapters

Vampire Wire #90A Gold-plated Right-Angle RCA Adapters

Designed for custom installations where space is at a premium..

Vampire Wire #DF Gold-plated RCA-Female to Female Adapters

Vampire Wire #DF Gold-plated RCA-Female/Female Adapters - New Listing!

Highest quality, ideal for use anywhere RCA cable extension is needed.

Vampire Wire #Y Gold-plated "Y" Adapters

Vampire Wire #Y Gold-plated "Y" Adapters

These these metal-bodied adapters offer performance that traditional "Y" cables cannot elegant adaptation on the traditional "Y" adapter.

Vampire Wire #YF Gold-plated "Y" Adpaters

Vampire Wire #YF Gold-plated "Y" Adapters

An excellent choice for feeding two subwoofer cables from a single sub-woofer output and many other A/V applications, these metal-bodied adapters offer a step up from conventional "Y" cables.

Vampire Wire Speaker Cable Terminations

Vampire Wire Speaker Cable Terminations - Bulk Connectors for DIY

Seven of Vampire Wire's most popular speaker cable terminations, including #HDS5 spades, #SS9 spades, #BAR spades, #SPD spades, #PIN1 pins, #SB stackable single banana plugs and #DB dual-ganged banana plugs.