DarbeeVision's Darbee Visual Presence technology takes the HDMI video experience to new heights. It will add intense depth and clarity to any video
-- enabling ultra-immersive visuals. As a video processor module in a small housing, DarbeeVision technology simply plugs into any HDMI media device and
will enhance the output of any video stream, like DVD, Blu-ray, game console, smart phone, and media players and any digital broadcast -- on both standard
and high-definition TVs.
DarbeeVision Products
Video Enhancement
Home Theater

DarbeeVision DVP-5000S • HDMI Video Processor - Holiday Pricing!
This leaner and sleeker successor to the DVP-5000 features Darbee Visual Presence™ - the technology that established a fundamental breakthrough for image realism. Embedding 2D and 3D pictures with depth information, resulting in a whole new visual experience. Intense depth and clarity are reveled in any video -- ultra-immersive visuals. Deep Color, 30-bit, 4:4:4...this is the real deal.