Consumer Electronics Association
Please click here to see the CEA's color-coding standard for consumer equipment.
1 meter = 3.280829 feet or 39.46995 inches
Please click here for a meters to feet conversion table
The digital interface was developed by Sony and Philips, hence the designation S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital InterFace). S/PDIF is defined by IEC 60958, which describes a serial, unidirectional, self-clocking interface for the interconnection of digital audio equipment for consumer and professional applications, using linear PCM coded audio samples.
This interface is often referred to by these acronyms as well:
Cables for this interface are typically made with coaxial cable, (or coax for short), and terminated with RCA type connectors, although some equipment uses BNC type connectors as well.
To confuse matters, S/PDIF can also refer to an optical interface. The most popular optical interface used for consumer equipment is known as TOSLink. This implementation was first developed by Toshiba, who coined it "Toshiba Link", or TOSLink for short.
The AES/EBU interface is used in professional and high-end consumer gear. It typically uses balanced cable instead of coaxial cable, and the connectors are generally of the XLR type.
This drawing illustrates the
USB "A" style connector. This is the type that is typically found on a computer.
This drawing shows the USB
"B" style connector. This style is typically found on the equipment end.