These Vampire Wire #DB double-ganged banana plugs make high-quality speaker hook-ups fast and easy. The solid metal parts are gold plated for reliable conductivity and great looks. These bananas feature industry-standard .75 inch pin spacing. The sturdy knurled tension screws accommodate cables up to 6 AWG. They are also great for use with Vampire Wire #PIN1 pins.
If your equipment uses industry-standard terminal spacing, these double bananas provide the ultimate convenience while ensuring maximum signal transfer. Double bananas also provide some mechanical support, particularly when you have heavy speaker cables hanging from vertically aligned terminals. If your terminals do not conform to the industry standard, you may want to consider single bananas.
Overall length is typically about 2.165 inches, although this will vary with the exact size of your speaker cables or pins - be sure to check for clearance.
These bananas are sold in pairs (one left and one right), as shown, and are color-coded black and red for polarity.
With today's high quality audio/video systems, one of the most important components has become the cables and their connectors. Vampire Wire has been researching and developing the highest level products since 1979.
The set includes one red, and one black banana, as shown above.
This end shot gives you a better look at the pins.
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