These Vampire Wire #SB single banana plugs make high-quality speaker hook-ups fast and easy. The solid metal parts are gold plated for reliable conductivity and long-lasting great looks. The sturdy knurled tension screws accommodate cables up to 6 AWG. They are also great for use in combination with Vampire Wire #PIN1 pins as well as the #HDS5 spades.
A growing number of manufacturers are now using non-standard terminal post spacing in their best equipment. These single bananas give you great flexibility, because they work with any post spacing. They are also stackable, which can be useful in some installations.
Overall length is typically about 1.980 inches, although this will vary with the exact size of your speaker cables or pins - be sure to check for clearance.
The #SB banana plugs were designed to work elegantly in combination with the Vampire Wire #HDS5 spades (see photo at lower right), and they work well with 1/4" spades from most other manufacturers as well. This can solve any number of problems. In many cases, the right-angle connection to the cable can help to reduce stress on your connected equipment. It's also great for use with existing speaker cables that are already terminated with spades.
These bananas are sold in pairs (one left and one right), as shown, and are color-coded black and red for polarity.
We also have a limited quantity of extra black plugs that we are offering singly, while they last.
The pair is color-coded, one red and one black, for polarity.
Here, one of the banana plugs is disassembled so that you can get a better look at the construction.
Shown here is an example of the #SB installed on a Vampire Wire #HDS5 spade. These banana plugs work well on most 1/4" spades from other manufacturers as well.
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