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Quadratic Audio MC-2 Moving Coil Transformer

Phono Step-Up Transformer SUT

Made in the USA
Quadratic Audio MC-2 Coming Soon

Quadratic Audio MC-1 Moving CoilPhono Step-Up Transformer

Introducing the Quadratic Audio MC-2 SUT.

Getting pure "high end" sound is the goal of all music lovers and audiophiles, but as we approach such altitude, the law of diminishing returns becomes an ever-increasing factor. The goal of the MC-2 is to turn this theory up-side-down.

Here then is a step-up transformer for moving coil phono cartridges that disrupts the market, providing a very high level of performance, at an even lower price than Quadratic's own flagship model, which arguably remains as the one to beat, but the MC-1 is offering a lot of quality and performance for even less less money.

The pursuit of purity remains evident in the design.  Unsurprisingly, the use of CineMag transformers remains key to the pursuit.  At the time of this writing, the specs have not been released, and even the physical appearance is sworn to secrecy, but FWIW, I think it will be very well received.

And while we cannot at yet provide specifics, we can say with authority that all CineMag transformers offer superior common mode rejection ratios (CMMR).  And it's also fair to say that the Quadratic Audio MC-2 has the benefit of decades of experience in designing audiophile equipment!


With so many once-great American brand names being sold to unknown offshore companies, it is really exciting to see Quadratic Audio continuing to innovate in a way that embodies and exemplifies a heritage that we once took for granted. We are genuinely pleased to represent the Quadratic Audio brand, designed and built in the USA, and partnered with CineMag, another great US company with a rich heritage and long history of excellence.


Quadratic Audio MC-2 orchestra

Musical Nuance

Quadratic Audio MC-1, concert

Just like being there...the ultimate goal

Quadratic Audio MC-1 typical phono transformer schematic drawing

This schematic illustrates a popular CineMag Phono SUT.  PDF format.

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Quadratic Audio Step-Up Transformer for Moving Coil Phono Cartridge MC-2  $TBD Coming Soon
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